Africa Agenda 2063: In conversation with Infrastructure CEOs - the leadership view of the African Infrastructure Business Opportunity
What is Africa Agenda 2063?
It is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. It builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable development.
About this plenary panel discussion:
An aspiration of the Africa Agenda 2063 is that the necessary infrastructure will be in place to support Africa’s accelerated integration and growth, technological transformation, trade and development. This will include high-speed railway networks, roads, shipping lines, sea and air transport, as well as well-developed ICT and the digital economy. A Pan-African High-Speed Train Network will connect all the major cities/capitals of the continent, with adjacent highways and pipelines for gas, oil, water, as well as ICT Broadband cables and other infrastructure.
Talking points:
- Africa Agenda 2063 is considered a catalyst for manufacturing, skills development, technology, research and development, integration and intra-African trade, investments and tourism. Are these 2063 goals realistic and attainable?
- One of the impediments preventing existing agreements like Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) – one of Agenda 2063’s trade goals of increasing intra-Africa trade from functioning effectively – is that there is no supporting infrastructure to connect countries. This is due to a lack of adequate supporting road and rail infrastructure. Clearly collaboration between government and business is crucial to the achievement of transformative change and growth?
- How do we ensure that Agenda 2063 becomes a reality and what role can business play in the development of Agenda 2063?
Speakers for this session:

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Enquires: info@infrastructure-africa.com